2010 Golf Outing

2010 Golf Outing
from left- My Dad, Friend A.J., Me, Brother Chase

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Final Emerging Technology

For my third and final emerging technology posting, I decided to use a program I have never experienced before, but have been interested in it as many of my friends use it constantly. Picnik is a very popular tool used today to edit, create, and share pictures. Once I started using the program I really had no intentions of stopping. Picnik is such an easy program to get started with and use that it makes it so fun. Anyone can use it and have a great time. Though many of the features have to be bought to "upgrade" the picnik, it still leaves one with enough features to use to really create something special. For first time users using picnik, there isnt really any advice needed. Have fun with it, and it easily shows how to use each seperate function, and what it does. Super easy and super fun!!!!


  1. Picnik is pretty cool! My girlfriend uses it a lot.

  2. I'm happy I read this! I love taking pictures and this website seems fun.
